Oil Paintings
Purple Metaphors 💜
International author and artist bringing epiphanies to life.
‘Asian Restaurant’
Oil on canvas paper.
Oil painting, 28 by 38 inches, framed.
‘Floating Castle’
Oil on linen, framed.
‘Inner Child Juxtaposition’
Oil painting, 20 by 20, framed.
‘Secular Flow’
Oil painting on stretched canvas.
‘Hilma’s Voices’
12 by 16 oil on linen (framed)
‘Smoking Angel’
30 by 4o inches mix media on wood.
6.5 by 10 inches oil painting.
30 by 40 inches oil on wood.
‘Too High’
8.5 by 11 inches oil on paper.
30 by 40 inches oil on wood..
‘My lover’
5.5 by 7.5 inches.
‘Passion is Overrated’
30 by 40 inches oil on wood.
‘I don’t know how’
30 by 40 inches oil on wood.
‘Love Again’
30 by 40 inches oil on wood.
‘Not Lonely’
30 by 40 inches oil on wood.
30 by 40 inches oil on wood.
16 by 20 inches oil on canvas.
Reinvented Smoker
30 by 40 inches oil on wood.
30 by 40 inches oil on wood.
‘In The Now’
30 by 40 inches oil on canvas.
‘Rose Shade’
Oil on canvas, 12 by 12 inches.
‘Toxic Love’ Collection
This is a three paintings collection.
‘New Smoker’
30 by 40 inches oil on wood
‘Smoking Portraits’ Collection
Three-Painting Collection.
Media Trap
16 by 20 inches oil on canvas
‘Chaos’ Collection
Three 30 by 40 inches oil paintings about the chaos our ancestry brought to our modern personal lives.
‘Freedom’ Collection
Three 30 by 40 oil painting collection about the different aspects of freedom we shouldn’t ignore.
‘Ups & Downs’
Custom oil-painted electric guitar.
‘The Jail of Memories’
36 by 24 inches oil painting on wood.
‘Inner Child’
22 by 25 oil painting on wood panel.